It can take a while to find a flatcoat puppy. Flatcoats are rare and flatcoat breeders plan their matings carefully and may not have litters every year. Individual breeders prioritize traits differently thus it may be important to have discussions with multiple breeders to find the puppy that is right for you. Be aware that as with many dogs, breeders may reserve the right to select the puppies for each client to help assure the best outcomes and may require co-ownership or spay/neuter contracts on some puppies.
Breeders are a wonderful source of information on all things flatcoat and many of the websites in the lists below contain helpful resources on flatcoat behavior, health and training as well as loving descriptions and photos of their dogs.
The breeders in the first list below are proud members of the Northwest Flat-Coated Retriever Club and subscribe to the Flat-Coated Retriever Society of America Code of Ethics. All breeder information is for reference and does not constitute or suggest endorsement nor is there any assurance of current accuracy.

NWFCRC Breeders
For information on breeders in North America, visit our national club’s breeder page.