Agility & Dock Diving

Flatcoats are nimble!

Agility has taken the dog world by storm and flatcoats are among its most able and eager competitors. The fast pace and varied obstacles are a perfect way to work off excess flatcoat energy. If there was a mud puddle at the finish line it would probably be flatcoat heaven!


Lizzy Ramhorst and Icarus doing some serious weaves at the 2018 National Agility Trial in Reno NV

There are agility trials almost every weekend around the northwest and multiple professional training opportunities and several all breed agility clubs to help get you and your flatcoat ready. The Rainier Agility Team has a useful calendar listing many of the agility trials along the I-5 corridor and R2 Agility serves as trial secretary for a number of the events. While most agility events use similar jumps, tunnels and obstacles, there are several different organizations that govern and sanction agility events and each has its own set of rules and requirements. You can learn more about those events here. 

In the Northwest there are many active agility clubs that welcome new members. In addition to updates on club activities the websites have information on both club and independent professional training opportunities throughout the northwest as well as resources for equipment. You can view those clubs here. ‘Clean Run’, a magazine focused on dog agility, is also a great source for the latest techniques, and tips for beginners and veterans.

'Flo' shows her form diving for the NW Flatcoat Retriever Club at the 2015 National Specialty

‘Flo’ shows her form diving for the NW Flatcoat Retriever Club at the 2015 National Specialty

Flatcoats are naturals for Dock Diving. This crowd-pleasing event attracts dogs of all dimensions in friendly, but very energetic, competitions for longest, highest and fastest leaps into water. Some of the champions have recorded long jumps over 30′ and high jumps over 8′ chasing their favorite toy before a dramatic splashdown in the pool. As with agility there are several active organizations with slightly different rules, costs and events.

The North America Diving Dogs (NADD) has training and events at several locations around the country as well as organizing events at selected dog shows in partnership with the American Kennel Club. You can event get an AKC title in dog diving! Dock Dogs, one of the first national organizations, has several northwest Dock Dog affiliates:

  • Puget Sound DockDogs: facebook
  • DogDogs of the Tri-Cities
  • Sea to Sky DockDogs